An Interview with Lindsay Keating of Cabinet of Curious Clay (Part one)
Updated: Oct 27, 2021
Today, we're extremely excited to release part one of our interview with Lindsay Keating of Cabinet of Curious Clay. A few weeks ago, Joe and I got to travel out to Coatesville, PA and visit her awesome new studio space. The studio is a part of an old industrial building that’s being refurbished into studio spaces, Keating got in early so the space is still very much in development but it was awesome to see because the space is so bare bones. As far as Keating’s work goes, she is an excellent ceramicist that combines striking, dark imagery with functional pieces. From a technical standpoint, her work is reminiscent of classical Roman pottery as her images are carved out of a black glaze creating a contrast between the bare clay tone and the deep black glaze. Imagery wise, Keating’s work is dark and built around the quintessential gothic characters; plague doctors, ravens, scenes of baron landscapes. The way she creates her images, combined with the dark imagery creates really cool work and, as I said before, it’s all functional. Personally, I love when ceramic work has function but doesn’t lose the artistic flare so Keating’s work is right up my alley. Today's video goes deep into her beginnings in art and how she became the artist she is today, and it's quite the fascinating journey.
Keating also has years of experience working with collectives and event planning and it has recently spawned her own private event planning and art market called the Darksome Craft Market. It’s always exciting to get to speak with an artist who is so deeply involved in the arts community and who helps promote artists! We were very excited to talk to Keating about this avenue of her career as well because I think the amount of work she does for these events could very easily be overlooked and it shouldn’t be. She works her butt off and it should be recognized! If you’re in the Philadelphia area, you should definitely keep a lookout for the upcoming Darksome Craft Market event’s and make an appearance. The Plebeian team will certainly be there!
A huge thank you to Lindsay for having us in her space and for giving a great interview. We’re excited to share the video with you all, as well as these images of her work. To find more on Lindsay you can visit her site,, her Etsy,, and her Instagram, @cabinetofcuriousclay. To find more on her events and the Darksome Craft Market, you can find details on Keatng’s site, facebook,, and Instagram, @darksomecraftmkt.