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Terms and Conditions


These Community Guidelines govern the user’s relationship with Plebeian Inc., the use of the Plebeian Deli platform, as well as their access to Plebeian Services and Products. By accessing the Plebeian Deli platform, you (as the user) agree to these guidelines. These guidelines are built to foster productive interaction between artists, buyers, and everyone in between.

The goal of the Plebeian Deli platform, and Plebeian Inc. as a whole, is to provide artists and their followers with the best possible art viewing, buying, and learning experience. This platform was built for artists by artists with the goal of making business easy and educating the market to foster necessary growth within art. 

It’s a common moniker that art is subjective, that art can be anything, so with that Plebeian Inc. would like to keep the removal of users or user-content to an absolute minimum. In no case will Plebeian decide what will be seen, filtered, or removed based on opinion of what’s shown in the questioned content or profile. Plebeian does not aim to decide what is “art,” but rather to be a place for artists to share their art in all forms.

Plebeian does not and will not curate the feeds on the Plebeian Deli, it does not require any classification or qualification to sign up, nor does it aim to classify or reject any art that is made by its users. One of the largest failings of the current art world is its exclusive nature that is consistently quick to curate and banish those they do not see qualified, Plebeian believes that this is a failure in art and promises to never fall in line with past failings of an archaic market. Plebeian believes that its users are more than capable of curating their own feeds and interacting with who they’d like to interact with. Plebeian, as a company, will do its best to easily present the information from users that you choose to engage with and to remain as minimally invasive to your feed as possible.

Plebeian Inc. is committed to consistently make the Plebeian Deli platform, as well as all products and services, better fit the company mission. As such, these guidelines are subject to change at any time.

Principle One: Plebeian Inc. will not knowingly allow the Plebeian Deli platform to be used as a tool of or to commit any crime or unlawful act. Plebeian reserves the right to remove any content that is reported to us that is found, with reasonable evidence, to break or violate the law in some way. Users sharing said content may also be subject to removal from the platform. 

In some cases the law will require Plebeian to remove reported content- though all content that falls under lawful removal will be our priority to remove regardless. Examples of such content include but are not limited to: child pornography, intellectual proprety theft, terrorist postings or activity, or unlawful violent acts. Even in cases where the law may not require Plebeian to remove content or a user, if it is brought to our attention that something may aid in the committing of an unlawful act, especially one that damages our mission to grow and educate the art market, we reserve the right to remove that content or user. 

Principle Two: Spam or bot posted content will not be tolerated by Plebeian Inc. at any time. We believe that such practices are unproductive, unprofessional, and they damage the use of the tools and services within the Plebeian Deli platform. Plebeian hopes that with the tools provided, users will be able to sufficiently avoid such content on their own. But when the provided tools are not enough, and especially when such content interferes with sales or services of our users, Plebeian reserves the right to remove users participating in spam or using bots.


Reporting Issues

Plebeian relies heavily on the community to report negative content and to notify us of trouble. To do so users can contact at any time.

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