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Data Policy


Plebeian Inc. does not have any interest in monetizing or benefiting in any way from collecting your data. Plebeian only collects data that is necessary for the function and continual improvement of our services. Likewise, Plebeian Inc. only shares data with third parties that are directly linked and, again, necessary for the function of our services. Third parties that are linked and that will have access to stored data will be listed in the policy below. The following is a breakdown of how data is collected, what it is used for, and how it is shared.

Collected Data

  1. Plebeian Inc. reserves the right to use any information or materials shared by users within the platform. Such information and materials include but are not limited to images (users must allow access to their camera and camera roll), text, user action logs, and any files or links uploaded to a user profile.

  2. Plebeian Inc. reserves the right to collect information regarding devices and usage. Such information is included but not limited to IP addresses, location, user data, time spent on the platform, and click rate.

  3. Plebeian Inc. reserves the right to collect pertinent sales information for transactions made within the platform. Such information may include receipts, invoices, transaction history, and inquiries. Plebeian Inc. does NOT store any financial information.

How Collected Data is Used

  1. Plebeian Inc. will analyze the collected data in order to improve services and the platform as a whole based on trends across the user base. This information will never be sold for profit and will remain in the exclusive possession of Plebeian Inc. unless otherwise stated below.  

  2. In the event of a subpoena, criminal investigation, or other form of legal/civil dispute Plebeian Inc. will cooperate with the necessary legal entities. This includes the sharing of pertinent information and materials regarding said case or cases. Such information includes but is not limited to images, text, user action logs, files, links, IP addresses, locations, receipts, invoices, transaction history, and inquiries.

  3. Plebeian Inc. reserves the right to use stored information to find and prevent cases of fraud or to respond to other trust and safety issues. 

How Information is Shared

  1. Plebeian Inc. works in collaboration with other entities at times to provide useful services to users. This may result in the sharing of certain necessary aspects of a user’s data. 

    1. Stripe: Plebeian Inc. uses Stripe as a payment processing tool. All information stored or otherwise used by Stripe is covered in their Service Agreement (

    2. PubNub: Plebeian Inc. uses PubNub as an in-app messaging tool. All information stored or otherwise used by PubNub is covered in their Terms and Conditions ( )


  1. Plebeian Inc. may not use any posts, content, or intellectual property of users for any purpose without express permission from that user. Any use of user content for advertising or other for profit purposes will operate on a royalty basis negotiated between Plebeian Inc. and said user.

  2. Plebeian Inc. will analyze user trends in order to better understand and grow the platform’s user base. Based on these analytics we will build outreach campaigns to similar consumers. 

  3. Plebeian Inc. does not and will not sell, rent, or share information about users to non-affiliated third parties. 

  4. Plebeian Inc. relies on the services of third party corporations to collect and represent user trends. (ex. time on app, location, devices, browser type, conversions, 

  5. In the event of a subpoena, criminal investigation, or other form of legal/civil dispute Plebeian Inc. will cooperate with the necessary legal entities. This includes the sharing of pertinent information and materials regarding said case or cases. Such information includes but is not limited to images, text, user action logs, files, links, IP addresses, locations, receipts, invoices, transaction history, and inquiries.

  6. In the event that Plebeian Inc. merges with or is acquired by another entity, Plebeian will share collected data with the opposite party. 

  7. Users give consent to receive notifications from Plebeian Inc. about user engagement with their data. (i.e. post likes, user follows, comments) It is necessary to the function of the platform to notify users of actions by other users on their profiles and their content


  1. Plebeian Inc. will make its best effort to protect user information through the use of physical and digital security measures. However, as information is stored electronically, Plebeian can make no absolute guarantee in regards to the security of information.


  1. Plebeian Inc. does not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal information from children under 13 years of age and no part of the platform’s services are directed towards children. If you learn that a child has provided Plebeian or its affiliated entities with personal information in violation of this Data Policy, then you may send an alert to

International Data Transfer

  1. The Plebeian Inc. services are hosted in the United States and intended for visitors located within the United States. If users choose to use the platform’s services from the European Union, other countries, or world regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, then please note that you are transferring your personal information outside of those regions to the United States for storage and processing purposes. By providing any information, including personal information, to Plebeian Inc. services, you consent to such transfer, storage, and processing.

Sale or Acquisition

  1. In the event that some or all Plebeian Inc. is sold or otherwise acquired, all stored data may be transferred to the purchasing bodies. Under the guise of sale or acquisition, these terms are subject to change under new ownership or a shift in majority shareholder. Users will be made aware of such events in the event that they happen.


Plebeian Inc. reserves the right to change the terms of this Data Policy at any time.

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